
Enable transition towards a New Operating Model Aligned with circular economy

Want to undertake a journey of transformation to align with the principles of a circular economy?

Do you wish to know the possibilities for your business to do that, starting from where you are now?

We assess the business set up you operate in and propose alternatives that can be introduced to align with principles of a circular economy. We offer an analysis of alternatives you could adopt. This includes markets and products to venture into, new materials and technologies to use in production and distribution, supply chain solutions and new business models that could be implemented.

We help you along the way to:

Educate - Education and awareness to rethink your business

We analyse gaps in your current capability and conduct education and training programs to upskill and reskill your front-line leaders to rethink new ways to conduct business. We share the fundamentals as well as customised approaches applied to your organization as well as a range of best practices and success stories to learn from. This includes education and training on,

  • The fundamentals of a circular economy
  • Rethinking products and markets in line with circular economy
  • Rethinking upstream value chain in line with circular economy
  • Rethinking downstream value chain in line with circular economy
  • Rethinking business and operating models in line with circular economy

Understand - Assessment of position in a path to achieving regeneration

We conduct environmental footprint analysis and assess the regenerative ability of your product and service propositions. We suggest alternative pathways to explore to achieve positive footprint and regenerative ability.

  • Mapping of product, component, and material pathways and assessing impacts.
  • Carbon footprint assessment and /or lifecycle assessment of products, organizational units, and the organization.
  • Assessment circularity (regenerative ability) of the current position of products and service offerings

Strategise - Strategise alternatives to achieve regeneration and reduce footprint

We propose alternatives you could adopt in your product and service offerings as well as changes to the way you conduct business, so that your activities are regenerative and creates positive impact

  • Alternative business models
  • Alternative value chains – Upstream – Sourcing models and product and service distribution models
  • Alternative value chains – Downstream – Products retrieval and repurposing models
  • Alternative products, components and materials with improved regenerative aspects
  • Alternative processes and technologies that improves footprint and regenerative ability


We simulate the new operating model of your organization with the alternative and conduct different outcome-based assessments for each of the criteria. As these decisions require multiple dimensions to be considered in decisions, we also conduct integrated and multi-criteria assessments to help you make the right decisions.

  • Simulation of the value chain with the uptake of the alternatives
  • Financial assessment of the proposed alternatives
  • Environmental (life cycle analysis, embodied energy, carbon footprint) assessment of the proposed alternatives
  • Assessment of circularity indicators of the proposed alternatives
  • Social and economic assessment of the proposed alternative to capture external costs
  • Integrated assessment and multi-critiria assessment for business and policy decision making

Redesign – Re-design the new system integrating alternatives and test

We help you redesign your product and service offerings as well as your value chains to enable transition. We conduct in-depth research and invent new alternatives based on your specific context and also suggest proven alternatives with identified success.

  • Convene a qualified, specialized network to carryout redesign
  • Facilitate the redesign process with internal and external stakeholders
  • Iterative development through proto-type testing and feedback
  • Convergence to an effective solution through business case analysis and assessment of impact of the alternatives

Operationalize - Develop transition plans to transition to new alternatives

We facilitate operationalization of the alternative into your organizational activities. We help integration of the new way of thinking into your organization and conduct necessary health-checks to ensure effective integration of the change.

  • Integration of a new way of thinking to your organization’s business, financial and functional planning process
  • Develop new methods of operation and tools
  • Develop new performance indicators and integration to business activities
  • Project plans for transition
  • Change management for transition

Integrate – Integrate the new system of alternatives to current practice

We help you through the journey of transformation, by making the necessary organizational tools available for your front-line staff to transition. We help enable conducting continuous improvements along the way and help refresh and renew commitments for delivery.

  • Project management, facilitation and support
  • Process, policy and operating procedure documentation and updates
  • Facilitating change management
  • Training and coaching of staff

Report – Account for progress and report how the new system performs

We help you align your accounting and reporting mechanisms to now capture your progress towards a new regenerative business. We help you reap benefits from your continued commitment to success and translate that to a message that your stakeholders understand.

  • Develop and implement new internal reporting mechanisms
  • Align reporting to reflect progress in integrated reporting, GRI reporting, and other sustainability performance frameworks
  • Develop best practice case studies and stories/material for sharing the journey of transformation
  • Develop and implement monitoring systems to conduct continuous improvements

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