
Automate Growth.

Bridge Gaps.

Achieve Sustainability.

The all-in-one fully automated web-based tool to streamline scanning your organisations’ capabilities for sustainability transitions​


Get ready to automate analyzing orgnisational gaps

Help uncover skill gaps to get to your goal

Provides tailored insights as to where you are

Pinpoints to how to build skills & capability

Uncovers potential for collaboration

Automate your path to sustainability in #3 steps

Step #1


Set up your organisation​, goals, activities & your team. Select from our extensive database or input your own.

Step #2

Perform assessment​

In the assessment, select your team member and send the survey. In skill gap analysis​, by leveraging our extensively researched skill bank, Skillscanz will do the work!

Step #3

Provide results​

See your results, for each team member​, team​, function​ and organization including recommendations for future capability building on the dashborad of the tool.

What you will gain

Watch Skillscanz demo

Accessing workforce capability to get to your goals


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