
Enable Waste to resource exchanges

Do you have a waste stream generated in your industrial process which contains valuable resources OR are you looking to use alternative material in your production process?

If there are resources that end up as waste during industrial production, we facilitate looking for alternative uses to create value, by using it as an alternative raw material/ energy source of another industry.

Identify pathways – Characterize the stream and identify material pathways

We engage in understanding more about the waste, to generate suitable solutions. We conduct waste characterization and quantification and recommend possible alternative pathways for your waste material.

Map solutions – Map solutions and potential partnerships

We help match the attributes of the waste material with possible requirements for raw materials and help find exchange partners.

Assess - Assess value creation possibilities

Many a times, waste can be used as a raw material in another product technically, but there are several barriers to resolve. We identify commercial exchange partners and map processing pathways to identify how a resource exchange can work. We conduct technical feasibility analysis and assess the impact along the value chain impact to make the resource exchanges work so that each partner can create mutual benifit.

Plan – Develop plans to manage the transition

New solutions come with a transformation that needs to happen. We develop a change management strategy to enable that transformation possible. We layout the relevant changes to occur in your business process and help implementing that and help get the internal and external stakeholders in line to make the change. We assist you along research and development phases, as well as trial phases to help you make best decisions.

Implement - Solution implementation

We provide project advisory and support in implementing the solution, including preparation of contractual agreements, undertaking training of the relevant employees to ensure a smooth transition. We document the process, procedure, policy changes and trainings to raise awareness and in order to maintain consistent quality in operations.

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